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14 Bn



            The 14th Battalion Combat Team (14th BCT), the forefather of the 14th  Infantry (AVENGER) Battalion was activated in August 1, 1950 at fort William Mckinley, Rizal with two (2) officers and sixteen (16) enlisted men initially assigned to it. The need of more troops in Laguna was so urgent then that this Battalion was moved even before completing its organization. Several PC companies were absorbed and some units with excess personnel were taken in training during that time. After the completion of the units training 14th BCT was immediately committed to the anti dissident campaign. The unit was designed to go after the communist inspired Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon (HUKBALAHAP) which at that time the governments’ priority to give no respite to the enemies of the state.

                                                “WHY THE NAME AVENGER”

            14th BCT was assigned to the province of Baras, Rizal as their area of responsibility. It was while operating in the mountainous part of Rizal where the “AVENGER” name  was conceived. At that time the HARDIES, an American family, ran a dairy farm in the fertile hills of Antipolo. They were supplying Manila and nearby areas with their dairy products. A band of Huks with their intent to sow fear in the area, mercilessly murdered the entire family. The incident was reported to the Battalion prompting the elements of “D” Company, 14th BCT under CPT CONDRADO D CABAGUE to react and sweep the countryside for the perpetrators. The swift and timely reaction resulted to twenty one (21) dissidents tracked down and killed in a fierce skirmish.

            By their courage and tenacity, the 14th BCT was given the catch name “AVENGER” by then Secretary of Defense and later president of the Republic of the Philippines, Ramon Magsaysay.

            Avengers are not vengeance seekers but defenders of weak against tyranny. Since then the Avengers was destined to avenge one another in the field.


            Because of their impressive combat records in the field, on August 29, 1952 pursuant to General Orders number 35, GHQ, AFP, the 14th BCT under COL NICANOR JIMENEZ was chosen as one of the contingents to the Philippines Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) to help dismantle communism raging in the Republic of South Korea.

            On 26 March 1953, the Avengers arrived at the seaport Busan, South Korea. The troops were given warm welcome by the Koreans and some allied forces who  were already in the area. After which, they boarded a train and proceeded to Chon chon from there, they were transported to Inje Valley by trucks on convoy. Upon arrival, the troops were given a brief rest on their bivouac area. After which, intensive training started to learn new tactics and techniques in fighting the communist soldier.


            On 24-26 July 1953, “A” Company was receiving 500 rounds of enemy artillery shells a day, disrupting communication and re-supply. For three (3) days, the troops ran out of ammunition and hid on their foxholes.

            Meanwhile, news was heard that a truce was being negotiated at Panmunjon. In spite of this news, enemies continued firing their artillery tubes at the heaviest on the 27th of July.

            Before 2200H  of 27 July the Battalion received more than 1,000 rounds of artillery shells from the CCF. Despite, the cease fire order. The PEFTOK, artillery battery engaged the Communist guns all-out-duel.

            At around 2200H, the entire battlefront fell into complete silence. The following day, 28th July, the Avengers dismantled its fortifications, detonated its mines and rolled up their concertina wires. After which, the unit moved and transferred to Yanggu Valley where it set up a camp and named in Honor of LIEUTENANT DOMINADO JR who lost his life at Paeksuk-san.

            From Camp Dominado, the Avengers embarked on an intensive training program. They also conducted rehabilitation on the ravaged village brought by war along Yanggu Valley with other friendly troops.


            Because of its record in the front lines, the unit was awarded the Korean Presidential Unit Citation on 27th July, 1953. On March 1954, the 14th BCT left South Korea and returned to their native land. When they reached the sea port of Manila, they were surprised to see their relatives, friends and other spectators to include government officials who waved their hands and cheering up. A formal ceremony was made on their arrival. Then the 14th BCT was awarded with the Philippines Presidential Unit Citation for having successfully fulfilling the country’s commitment to global peace and security.


            After its return, the excess personnel of the unit were distributed to the various Philippine army Units where their services were most needed. Then the unit was again thrown into anti-dissident campaign.  Not long thereafter, it was deactivated like the rest of its sister Organizations which emerged during the height of the government all-out-war against Huk dissidents.


            On June 1973, when the secessionist movement of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in southern Philippines opted to go on all-out-war with the established government, the unit was reactivated as unit of the Armed Forces of the Philippines assigned Philippine Army pursuant to General Orders Nr. 490, GHQ, AFP dated 7 June 1973 as a provisional unit in accordance with AFP TOE 7-15B effective 16 May, 1973. It officially existed on 28 May 1973 when the first batch of nineteen (19) officers and forty-nine (49) EP. The provisional status was discontinued by section 1, General Orders Nr. 350, General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines dated 25 June, 1973. The Avengers was then named as 14th Infantry (AVENGER) Battalion (14IB) and became organic to 1st Infantry Division. It was sent to Mindanao to address the need of fighting troops   engage in the pacification campaign against the MNLF. During the training of these officers and men of the Avengers, they were directed to participate in the testimonial parade for the president of the Republic of the Philippines on September, 1973. On this particular activity, the Avengers have earned its first unit award which was the “Best Marching Unit” after its reactivation.


            San Roque, Northern Samar was under the responsibility of the 60th Philippine Constabulary. During that time, 60th PC Battalion suffered heavy casualties in the hinterlands of San Roque and Pambujan. With its situation, Armed Forces have deemed it necessary to place the province under an Army unit to continue its peace campaign efforts against insurgency.

            So on 01 February, 1981, the Avengers relieved the 60th PC Battalion and has taken into their responsibility nine (9) coastal towns and one (1) hinter town. These were Mondragon, Silvino Lobos, San Roque, Pambujan, Catubig, Las Navas, Gamay, Palapag, Mapanas and Lapinig. The stay of the Battalion at the province has won the hearts and minds of the people. This was so because of the massive civil-military operations side by side with combat operations. One of the significant operations conducted by the Avengers in the province was the recovery of the slain bodies of civilians at Brgy Sag-od, Las Navas, Northern Samar. These were believed to be executed by Communist-Terrorists.  

            The unit stayed in the province for eight (8) months. So on 22 October, 1981, the unit was pulled out from Northern Samar and deployed at Brgy Patag, Wright Samar.


            Since Patag was considered as a non-strategic location as far as the control of line units is concerned, the Avengers transferred to Bagacay, Hinabangan, Samar.


            Bagacay was a progressive barangay due to the location of Philippine Pyrate Corporation or popularly known as the Bagacay Mines. As an outset of being progressive, the Communist-Terrorists in the area, solicited financial support or progressive taxes. Accordingly, the CT’s regularly collecting their extortion form the management. So the unit established its Battalion Headquarters inside the mining compound and immediately cleared its periphery. Reported communist terrorists camps and sanctuaries were raided and cleared. The area of the unit spread from Western Samar to Eastern Samar and the Avengers placed OPCON the Philippine Constabulary Brigade Task Group at Borongan, Eastern Samar under  then COL FABIC.

            The unit has been with the Long Range Patrol of the Philippine Constabulary (LRP) in pursuing its main effort of sustaining peace in the area. Massive combat patrols have resulted to the capture of Communist-Terrorists camps and equipment. These equipments included low and high powered fire arms, typewriters, medical kits, and voluminous subversive documents. Peace campaign effort gradually permitted the continuous growth of economy in the area. It is not only through the effort of the military organization but also through the cooperation of the local government unit. When the peace and order situation in the area began to normalized, the unit was again tasked to move- out from the area to continue its peace campaign in the West. On 24 October, 1983, the unit pulled out and proceeded to its new area- Buenavista, San Jorge, Samar.


            On 25, April, 1983, the unit occupied Brgy Buenavista, San Jorge, Samar. It has taken responsibility over highway towns as well as hinter towns of the province that is Matuguinao. During this time, insurgency activities in Southern Leyte have increased. As a consequence, Higher Headquarters has directed the unit to send one (1) company to address the need of additional troops in the area. “A” Company was sent under the able leadership of CPT FRANKIE Z BEASA. They occupied Mahaplag and its nearby towns. Their stay in the area has been a multi-tasking counter-insurgency security during the election, rescue and rehabilitation and other tasks that had been directed to them. The unit with only two (2) line units in control, continue to exert their efforts to accomplish their mission. Their stay in the area was cut short as an outset of a faithful event in the history of the country when the late Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino was assassinated in August 23, 1983. The incident has paved the way to the ouster of then President of the Republic of the Philippines, Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos through the famous “People’s Revolution”.

            Unrests among the sectors of the community followed and the National Capital Region has been under the pressing situation of massive demonstrations, rallies, and other civil disturbances brought about the assassination. So they need of additional Army troops in the NCR. With the outstanding mark of the unit as far as discipline is concerned coupled by its gallantry in action, Headquarters Philippine Army directed the Avengers to pull out from Samar Island to National Capital Region. On 22, October, 1983, exactly two months after the tragedy in Tarmac, the avengers moved out aboard an LST bound to South Harbor of Manila. It was on this part of its history that Avengers were named “BATTLE TOURIST” by no less than the commanding general of the 5th Infantry (STAR) Division, BGEN BENJAMIN G SANTOS.


            On 28 September, 1987, a month after the bloody coup, the Avengers left Luzon area and proceeded to Samar Island on board a C-130 of the Philippine Air Force. On 29 September, 1987, the unit was transported to its new location- Lokilokon, Wright, Samar. Here, the Avengers was prompted to construct its Headquarters because the 56th Infantry Battalion, the unit which occupying the site was not as large as the troop. Likewise, the defense were strengthened and new technology of the Army, the Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) was constructed.

            On 17 October, 1987, operating troops in a convoy aboard M-35 trucks were on their way at Bn Hqs from Calapi, Motiong, Samar after an intensified combat operation. Along the way at vicinity Brgy Conception, Motiong, Samar the troops were ambushed by heavily armed CTs numbering about a hundred. Outnumbered, the troops returned fire, for almost an hour firefight, the troops heard the enemies shouting “SUMUKO NA KAMO, WARAY NA KAMU REINFORCEMENT”. At that juncture, the troops strafed fires to the direction of said voice, stand their defensive position and initiated counter-attack. This incident has inflicted 22 body counts and undetermined number of WIA on the enemy side that prompted the CTs to withdraw to avoid further casualties.

            This has proven the tactical prowess of the Avengers and has  given lesson to the CTs. From then on, CTs on the area avoided frontal encounters with the Avengers not unless cornered. Nevertheless, another fateful event took place on 21 December 1987. Since the Yuletide Season was on the corner, Higher Headquarters has approved the release of Christmas breakers. By that time most of the Avengers were from Luzon. To cope with the limited days given during the break, the first breakers opted to board the ill- fated M/V Dona Paz. While on their way to Manila, the M/V Dona Paz collided with M/V Vector where 21 Officers and Enlisted Personnel of the unit  were there. On 09 March 1988, the unit transferred its Bn Hqs from Lokilokon to Brgy Cabong, Borongan, Eastern Samar to have a better control of its units.

By that time, Northeast District (NED) composed of seven (7) municipalities, was under the influence of the Communist/terrorists. This has been tagged as the sanctuary of the rebels due to its vast produce-coconut, rice, abaca, and root crops. Almost all of the hinter barangays comprising the area already has its own Barangay Revolutionary Council (BRC). The populace were sharing their communal farm, extorting its revolutionary taxes and began to cling the CTs as the true protectors of their and properties. Through massive combat operations and conduct of Special Operations Team (SOT), gradually, these underground Organizations were dismantled. Subsequently, the populace has begun to trust the military and their confidence has been regained. These could not possible if not of the discipline and dedication of the troops while dealing with the people they swore to serve and protect.


            On 01 March 1990, the Avengers had a new commander LTC DAGUDAG was relieved by MAJ LAUREANO P DULIN. By this time, the Avengers were relocated at Brgy Polangi, Taft, Eastern Samar to concentrate on the Northeast District. The unit continued its intensified TRIAD operations and through its meritorious display of tactical expertise, the Avengers were awarded by the 8TH Infantry Division, the BEST MANUEVER BATTALION in 1990 during the celebration of the Divisions Founding Anniversary.

            With the launching of the LAMBAT- BITAG, the government has envisioned to end the insurgency problem through four (4) phases- CLEAR, HOLD, CONSOLIDATE AND DEVELOP. To be more capable of accomplishing the concept, the Avengers again transferred its Battalion Headquarters from Polangi, Taft, to Camp Picardo, Dolores, Eastern Samar. It was on this stage, when Communist terrorists in the area began to surface and surrendered to the unit. Knowing the situation uphill, the unit has intensified its intelligence and civil-military operations. Tactical interrogations revealed that the rebels were already losing grasp of their mass hence needed support, financially and morally were declining. Aware of the situation, the unit through its meager resources, was able to partake a 30-minute radio program at DYES Borongan purposely to air to these misguided brothers to return to the mainstream of the society. This also paved the way to the surrender of Rodrigo “KA DIGO” SUGALAN, whom was then the Secretary of the Northeast District, together with his men. They availed of the amnesty and Balik-baril program of the government. Although KA DIGO and his comrades did not personally surrendered to the unit but to Gov. Lutgardo Barbo, still it has been so instrumental in the success of the negotiation.

                                                8ID’S BEST BATTALION IN CMO
            In 1992, he unit ha participated in 3 Brigade-directed operations, 10 Battalion-initiated and 5 Company initiated to include 735 small unit operations. This has resulted to 4 enemy killed, 2 apprehended, captured and 25 surrendered with 2 M-16s and 1 M1 Garand recovered. It was also during this year that the unit bagged the 8th Infantry Division’s BEST BATTALION IN CMO award for its unfailing efforts in pursuing its civil-military operations hand in hand with tactical maneuvers.


            Six days after the turn-over, Alpha Coy under CPT RAMON FLORES successfully over run an enemy encampment at vic Brgy San Andres, Borongan, eastern Samar which resulted to the recovery of several, high powered firearms and the captures two minor recruits ages 14 – 17. This feat prompted the enemies to conduct offensive to our troops, which they successfully executed a month later. On the fateful 15th of June 2000, the enemies employed their usual tactics wherein they created a scenario by killing an alleged military informant at Brgy Libertad, which prompted the CO of Bravo Company LT LEBIG to send his troops for investigation. Acting in good faith, to help the civilians, a section beefed-up by CAFGU’s were sent to investigate however somewhere along the way they were ambushed by more or less 200 NPA guerillas. Troops incurred heavy casualty of eight (8) (BC), one 1 WIA. Although they suffered great casualty the heroism and bravery displayed by SSg Tolentino and CAA “Mado” who gallantry stood their ground and wait for reinforcement showed the will to fight of every member of this unit which prompted the enemy to withdraw on different directions  carting away several high powered firearms and radio of dead troops. With battalion initiated pursuit operation, which lasted for several months however to no avail the troops were not able to engage the enemy decisively. Studying the situation, LT COL BALADAD then maid an experiment by introducing to modified special operations teams (MSOT) which aims to help the local government bring the basic services to the Barangays at the same time cracking the political organization established by the enemies. It yielded positive result in which became the basis of creating the Re-engineered special operation team (RSOT). This strategy was later presented to higher headquarters and was further adopted by the ARMY. Another highlight of this term is the establishment of the first ever Area Coordinating Council  (ACC) in the Philippines in compliance to the EO.

            The unit also participated in one (1) Division operation, five (5) brigade operation and initiated (15) battalion operations eighteen (18) company operations and two thousand two hundred ninety seven (2,297) small unit operations which resulted to engagement and recovery of several high powered and low powered firearms, neutralization of five (5) DT personalities and eight (8) enemy camps neutralized. The unit was also mobilized during the national and local election.

            On the 11th of January 2002 LTC AURELIO B BALADAD (INF) PA was relieved by MAJOR FELIX ESPERA (INF) PA as officer in-charge of the unit he was further relieved by LTC FELICITO VIRGILIO M TRINIDAD JR as the commanding officer of this unit on the 21st of January 2002.

            The term of LTC TRINIDAD is capitalized on the intensified campaign of the government against terrorist groups. The first six month was focused on the continued operation on the CT’s and the area until the eruption of the Mindanao campaign on the Abu Sayyaf group.


            On 10 June 2002, the 14th Infantry (Avenger) Battalion, 8ID, PA under the leadership of LTC FILICITO VIRGILIO M TRINIDAD JR was pulled- out from 8th Infantry Division AOR in Eastern Samar and was deployed to Sulu and placed OPCON with 104th Bde, 1ID, PA. This was due to the intensified kidnapping, terrorism and other criminal activities perpetrated by the Abu Sayaff Group in the province of Sulu that severely affected the country’s peace and order and economic stability. As one of the priority concern of the national government to neutralize these terrorist activities, the AFP launched campaign plan “Endgame II” which aimed to decimate the Abu Sayaff Group specifically in the province of Sulu. In accordance with the said AFP Campaign Plan, the 104th Bde, to which this unit was placed on OPCON, vigorously launched tactical offensive against the ASG as contained I its Campaign Plan “Daylight II” “ Hurricane” and, later “Tatlong Buwan” Thus the unit’s operational activities in Sulu focused more on the neutralization and destruction of the ASG and the Misuari Breakaway Group (MBG) In accordance with the Bde’s Campaign Plan, the unit was mainly utilized as a maneuver/strike force unit with no specific Area of Operation AOR. With this concept, the unit was given the mission to conduct combat operation in the province of Sulu to destroy/neutralized ASG/MBG and to rescue the remaining hostages in order to establish a physically and psychologically secured environmental conducive for development.

            The one – year experience of our troops in SULU is not that sweet. We have lost two comrades Cpl Galano of Bravo Coy at an encounter at the famous Mt Tucay and SSg Danilo Flores of Charlie Company at an incidental mortar fire which landed at the operating troops killing him on the spot and wounding eight others. However the tide was turn to our troops favor as in the onset of 2003. Bravo Company under 2LT ARVIN TENORIO started the continuous troop’s engagement and firearms recovery. Charlie Company under 1LT NICOLAS BEJEMINO also followed perfecting a raid and reinforcing friendly unit recovering 15 high-powered firearms and inflicting several body counts on the enemies. Not to be outshined Alpha Company under 1LT HECTOR P DONGAIL did its share when it encountered more or less 150 ASG member engaging them on two-hours thirty five minutes firefight which resulted to the recovery five (5) high powered firearms and inflicting three (3) BC and undetermined wounded to the enemy.

            Over all result of operation conducted, the unit had eight (8) engagement with the ASG/MBG resulting to two (2) KIA and twelve (12) WIA on the government side while six (6) killed (BC) and undetermined number wounded on the enemy side. These operations also resulted to the recovery of twenty five (25) HPFA’s (11 M14, (6) M16, 3 M653, 1 M79, 2 M1 Garand rifle, 1 Cal 45, 2 ICOM handheld radios and assorted magazines filled with ammunition) and the recovery of ten (10) ASG/MBG camps/safe houses.


            On the 28th of June 2003 the unit was pulled out from Jolo Sulu and Re- Deployed again to Samar to avenge the casualties incurred  by 52IB on the attack perpetrated by the CT’s on one of its  patrol base killing five (5) regular, ten CAA’s and a dependent. Aboard C130 the first batch of troops landed Tacloban Airport while the other half boarded the LST and landed at the port of Tacloban City three days later. The unit later was given the northern Municipalities of Eastern Samar as its area of responsibility relieving in – place the troops of “A” Company, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8th Infantry Division, Philippine Army. True to its name the troops immediately launched an operation in which in one of its combat operation, one section under 2LT VICTOR TELERON PA encountered heavily armed CT’s at So Canmaanghit, Brgy Salvacion Can-avid, Eastern Samar. During this particular incident, Pvt Bullos PA was hit at right foot ankle but inflicted  one (1) KIA, undetermined number of WIA to the enemy side while recovering voluminous subversive documents.


            On 11 August 2003, LTC CLAUDIO C NERI FA (GSC) PA assumed the command of the battalion, relieving LTC FELICITO VIRGILLO M TRINIDAD JR INFANTRY (GSC) PA. with the exemplary leadership of the unit’s new commander, the unit continued its effort in conducting triad operations thereby resulting to encouraging reactions from the local populace of Eastern Samar. Noticingly, Avenger’s are loved by the ‘estehanons’ and feared by the enemies.
On the 2nd week of September 2003, the unit began establishing its new headquarters. Likewise, line companies also began to established their company command post. By November of 2003 the unit had finished constructing and occupying their Headquarters and has been tactically deployed at Brgy Dao, Oras, Eastern Samar, covering the northern portion of the province beginning from Taft. However, before the year ended, the unit had assumed responsibility over the central portion of Eastern Samar, thereby extending the unit’s area of responsibility from Borongan to Jipapad all of eastern Samar.


            On 03 October 2005, LTC CLAUDIO C NERI FA (GSC) PA was relieved as Commanding Officer of 14IB and was succeeded by a brilliant commander in the named of LTC WILSON M LEYVA INF (GSC) PA. His sterling leadership binds THE TEAM AVENGER into TRADITION OF EXCELENCE. The tradition of Excellence was tested during the expansion of Area of Operation from Eastern Samar to portion of Western Samar covering the Municipalities of Motiong, Jiabong, Paranas, Hinabangan, San Sebastian and San Jose De Buan. Even though the unit was covering an over stretched AO still the unit was able to note some humble accomplishments that earned recognition and praises from higher Headquarters and civilian sectors as well. 

            Among which were the nine (9) government initiated engagements and two (2) CT initiated or an engagement ratio 4.5:1 in favor of the government. These engagements resulted in fatality ratio of 1:4 and FA’s exchange ratio of 0:7 all in favor of the government. More so, these operations resulted in thirty two (32) CTs were neutralized 4 killed (BC), 17 captured and 11 surrendered. And the recovery of fifty six (56) assorted firearms and other war materials with high intelligence value. Furthermore, the unit was able to SOTized five (5) municipalities of Western Samar namely: San Sebastian, Hinabangan, Jiabong, and Paranas. SOT operations were undertaken also in the thirteen (13) municipalities of Eastern Samar after the unit AO was reduced up to Eastern Samar only sometime in 4th quarter 2006. However, on the First quarter to second quarter 2007 the unit AO was further reduced covering only from San Julian up to Jipapad municipality all of Samar. Moreover, on 4th quarter the unit covers the whole of Eastern Samar an over stretch AO for the reason that 46IB will undergo retraining.

            Meanwhile, through SOT operations the unit was able to SOTized 64 barangays, surrender of 34 active CTs, neutralized 572 BOP members and 66 LPFAs. In addition, the unit was able to organized 91 KAIBIGAN chapters from 12 municipalities in the AO that effectively mobilized the people in order to unite and promote development in the area likewise supporting the units ISO efforts. Significantly, it was being an SOT battalion trained that win the hearts and minds of Estehanons wherein sometimes in October 2006 the unit was given an order to pull out from Eastern samar to occupy Western Samar that prompted the Estehanons to launched a protest pleading the President of the Philippines to RETAIN THE AVENGERS in Eastern Samar.

On 30 October 2007, JOSE P MATIAS INF (GSC) PA assumed the command of the battalion, relieving LTC WILSON M LEYVA INF (GSC) PA.

            Hallmark from its tradition of excellence manifested by every Avengers, the Central East Front of ESPPC, EVRPC was dissolved due to leadership crisis of said front after a series of concerted effort conducted in the area. While the North East Front, after experiencing series of debacles due to continues and deliberate actions of the unit had almost reached on its final stage of collapse after the successful clearing on its influence brgys and reducing its strength from 48 members into 14 regular members as of 4th quarter order of battle 2007.

            Getting to be well pronounce TEAM AVENGER, the battalion CREED was wrote by 2LT MAE CAIRANE B BUDLONG. The CREED is the basic rules of an every AVENGER.
            The unit had suffered setbacks however the unit managed to control and overcome its shortcomings that even made the unit as an example of excellence to the others.

            The leadership of COL LEYVA marked another milestone to the unit and to the Philippine Army as a whole.




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