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adminCommissioned Officer Recruitment

Commissioned Officer
 The Philippine Army once again invites the youth in Eastern Visayas to join the profession of arms and serve the country and people.

The Philippine Army Recruitment Center Office for Visayas of the Army Personnel Management Center will facilitate the AFP Service Aptitude Test (AFSAT), Army Qualifying Exam (AQE) and Special Written Exam (SWE) to qualified applicants for Officer Candidate Course (OCC) and Officer Preparatory Course (OPC).
The OCC is a one-year course which prepares a candidate mentally, physically, and emotionally to become an army officer. Upon graduation, the individual will be commissioned as an Army 2nd Lieutenant into the Regular Force, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
If one is already an Army 2nd Lieutenant in the Reserved Force, AFP and on inactive status, s/he must be a graduate of Probationary Officer Training Course (POTC) and the six-month OPC prepares one for active duty in the Regular Force, AFP.
Applicants shall bring the following at the examinations center: 
College diploma, Transcript of Records (TOR), Birth Certificate (NSO Authenticated), Valid Identification Card, Pencil Number 2, Ball pen and a long folder. Attire is White T-Shirt, Pants and Rubber Shoes.
Pay and Benefits for Officers include: 
Pay and allowances (Monthly Gross) for Officer Candidate - P29, 007.00 and 2LT (Call to Active Duty) - P32, 668.00, Insurance and healthcare benefits, Billeting and housing privileges, Job security, Leadership and other skills trainings, Opportunity for career advancement based on performance, Opportunities for Post Graduate Studies both within the country and abroad and an Opportunity to lead in the Philippine Army.
Please take note that only those OCC and OPC applicants who have successfully passed the AFPSAT (grade A or B) are qualified to take the AQE and SWE.

Qualifications are the following;
OFFICER PREPARATORY COURSEa. 21-33 yrs old(civilian) 21-36 yrs old(enlisted personnel)
b. Must be a graduate of POTC with a reserve rank of 2LT
c. Baccalaureate degree holder
d. Enlisted Personnel who have not yet completed one (1) term can now apply
e. Filipino
f. Minimum height is 5 feet.
g. Physically and mentally fit.
a. 21 to 29 years of age upon admission ( no age waiver)
b. Enlisted Personnel who have not yet completed one (1) term can now apply
c. Baccalaureate degree holder
d. Single and never been married, never borne or sired a child
e. Height of not less than 5’0ft(152.4cm) both male and female but not more than 6’4(193.04cm)
f. Filipino
g. Physically and mentally fit.
Requirements needed for the Examination are the following:
a. NSO Birth Certificate (original copy)
b. Transcript of Records and College Diploma (original copy)
c. Valid ID
d. One (1) 2x2 Picture
For more information contact (During Office Hrs)
MAJ DELOS SANTOS Cell Nr 0915-902-6560
Tsg Cabides Cell Nr 0909-902-6560
SSg Potutan Cell Nr 0943-676-3952.

Commissioned Officer

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