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63 bn

The unit’s motto is “INNOVATOR” which denotes creativeness, resourcefulness and a unit with new ideas, consist of principle or a change for the best. The Battalion envisions multi dimensional approach in accomplishing its mission. New methods and modification of doctrines could be adopted to defeat the enemies of the state, and be of service to God, country and people.
The 63rd Infantry Battalion logo/seal contains the following:
SHIELD – represents the role of the Battalion in protecting the people from lawless elements and those who undermine the security and the integrity of the state.
THREE STARS – represents the tree main island groups of the Philippines; Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, where the 63rd Infantry Battalion can be deployed. 
a metallic weapon used by patriotic Filipinos in their fight against tyranny and oppression in order to attain independence.
63 – the numerical designation of the Battalion as an Infantry unit of the Philippine Army.
INF BN – simply states the type and size of the unit.
INNOVATOR – the word implies creativeness, resourcefulness, a change for the best, providing something new, unique and indelibility.

The SHIELD is colored light green which symbolizes fertility and richness of the natural resources of the country. The numerical designation 63, the letters INF BN and the BOLO are colored white which represents sincerity in serving God, country and people. It also symbolizes purity of intentions of the Battalion. The handle of the BOLO is colored black usually made of/from carabao horns, represents the resourcefulness and ingenuity and audacity of the Filipino soldier. The BORDER of the shield, the miniature STARS, and the word INNOVATOR are colored gold, this represents the excellent performance to be rendered by the unit in accomplishing its assigned tasks/mission.

History of the 63IB

The Battalion was organized on 01 April 1987 pursuant to General Orders No 120, HPA dated 27 March 1987. It adopted the unit motto “INNOVATOR” which signifies creativeness, resourcefulness and a unit with new ideas in support to its mission of providing service to God, country and people.

The Battalion unit training commenced on 08 May 1987 at Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal when the nucleus of assigned Officers and key NCOs reported for duty with LTC NAGAMORA P LOMODAG 0-5930 (FA) PA who was designated as its first Commanding Officer. While the Battalion was undergoing training, it was tasked in the maintenance of camp security, conduct prophylactic patrols within the periphery of the camp, provided arrival honors and security to visiting VIPs.

The participation of the Battalion in the counter-insurgency and security operations began on 09 June 1987 when its “A Company (first rifle company organized) was committed to augment “Task Force Kalasag” in a pursuit operation from the municipality of Dolores, Quezon to Luisiana, Laguna during the period 9-17 June 1987. After that operation, the same company was placed OPCON to 2/2 Infantry Brigade, 2nd ID, PA and conducted sweeping operation from the municipality of Luisiana (via Kanluran, Kalaungan, Cavinti) to Lucban, all of Laguna.

The new developments in the 2/3 Infantry Brigade’s AOR necessitate the deployment of additional government forces. The Battalion (minus Charlie Company) was tasked to move from Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal to North-Eastern Laguna on June 26, 1987 where it established its Headquarters at Barangay Magsaysay, Siniloan, Laguna on 29 June 1987. From then on, the Battalion conducted offensive operations with only two (2) rifle companies and one (1) Armor platoon as attached unit.

During the attempted Coup De’ Etat in August 1987, the Battalion (minus) was deployed in Metro Manila to reinforce the government forces by securing the outer perimeter of Camp Aguinaldo against counter-attack by the rebel soldiers.

The Battalion became fully operational when Charlie Company after completing Scout Ranger Orientation Course in Camp Capinpin, arrived at the Battalion AOR on 05 September 1987. The AOR then was initially composed of seven (7) Municipalities of Laguna namely; Matibak, Sta . Maria, Siniloan, Pangil, Pakil, Quezon and Barangay Baguio of Infanta Quezon. On 27 October 1987, the Battalion Hqs was relocated from Bgy Magsaysay to Barangay Mayatba, both of Siniloan municipality.

On 10 May 1988, the Battalion AOR was expanded and included the municipality of Pagsanjan and Cavinti, both of Laguna province. The Battalion again transferred its Hqs to Bgy Sulib, Pangil Laguna on 13 November 1988 and was placed OPCON to 202nd Infantry Brigade.

The Battalion was visited and inspected by then Secretary of National Defense FIDEL V RAMOS on 26 November 1990 where he was accompanied by COMSOLCOM, Commanding General 2nd Infantry Division, Senior Military and Police Officers and Provincial and Local Executives.

On 15 December 1990 the unit received orders to move its Battalion Hqs to Bgy Banaan, Magdalena, Laguna to relieve-in-place 16th Infantry Battalion, 2nd ID, PA. Subsequently, on 04 January 1991, the Battalion established its Command Headquarters at the said location.

On 01 June 1993, pursuant to General Order No 275, HPA dated 27 March 1993; the 63rd Infantry (INNOVATOR) Battalion was unfilled in simple but emotional ceremonies, after over six (6) years of active status.

The 63rd Infantry (INNOVATOR) Battalion was again filled up and place in active status effective 16 April 1998 pursuant to General Orders No 463, HPA dated 15 April 1998 with MAJOR OSCAR P LOPEZ (INF) PA as the Commanding Officer. The reinvigorated unit was reassigned to the 8th Infantry Division, Philippine Army. Initially, the unit was complemented by 102 Privates from 7ID, 89 Privates from 8ID and the personnel of the former 801st Infantry Brigade. After few weeks, a Division-wide realignment of troops was conducted and personnel from other Battalions under 8ID joined the unit. On 16 June 1998, the Battalion conducted its pre-deployment training under the 8ID, MTT, in Camp Sumoroy, Catarman, Northern Samar, with BGEN ANTONIO SANTOS JR, AFP, the General OIC of 8ID, PA as Guest of Honor and Speaker.

After two (2) weeks of training, an unfortunate incident happened in Bgy Urdaneta, Lavezares, Northern Samar wherein the DTs raided the 1st PPMG of the Northern Samar Provincial Police Office (NSPPO) resulting to the death of three (3) PNP personnel and the loss of seven (7) HPFAs.

Immediately thereafter, the 63rd Infantry Battalion’s pre-deployment training was declared completed and was tasked to conduct pursuit operations to the fleeing DTs. After a month-long operation, the Battalion was finally given an AOR covering the 1st District of Northern Samar (except for Mondragon Municipality) and two (2) Districts of Calbayog City with a mission to conduct ISO. The Battalion Headquarters was based in Bgy Urdaneta, Lavezares, Northern Samar while Headquarters of Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Companies are located in Bgy San Juan, San Isidro, Bgy Acereda, Bobon and Bgy Cervantes, Catarman all of Northern Samar, respectively.

The Battalion performed its mandated task while undertaking other non-traditional roles as necessary in its AOR. This resulted to the successful recovery of six (6) HPFAs, ten (10) LPFAs, and other enemy paraphernalia during the conduct of intensified combat and strike operations from the last quarter of CY 1998 up to the 3rd quarter of CY 1999.

Pursuant to paragraph 1, GO Nr 617, GHQ dated 10 June 1999, MAJ OSCAR P LOPEZ (INF) PA was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

The delineation of the unit boundaries were effected when Hqs 8ID, PA implemented Campaign Plan “SILANGANG LIWAYWAY- ALFA 99” wherein 802nd Inf Bde, 8ID, PA extended its AOR and assumed ISO responsibility over the islands of Leyte and Biliran, while 803rd Inf Bde, 8ID, PA extended its AOR down to Hinabangan, Samar. On 12 June 1999, the Battalion conducted relief-in-place operations in the areas vacated by 34IB and assumed operational responsibility in the whole City of Calbayog.

Pursuant to paragraph 1, GO Nr 441, Hqs 8ID, PA dated 06 October 1999, LTC LOPEZ was relieved as Commanding Officer of the unit effective 07 October 1999 and MAJ REX R CINCO (INF) PA took over and assumed command of the Battalion pursuant to paragraph II, GO Nr 441, Hqs 8ID, PA.

After a month of his incumbency, the Battalion again proved its effectiveness during the successful conduct of raid on the enemy temporary encampment at vicinity Bgy Pasabuena, Victoria, Northern Samar last 22 November 1999 by the strike force of HHSC under 1LT EVAN M BERMUDO (INF) PA wherein two HPFAs including one M203 Grenade Launcher, two fragmentation hand grenades and voluminous subversive documents were recovered. On 16 March 2000, the unit again showed its courage thereby gaining the upper hand against the enemies when troops of Alpha Coy under 1LT MARIO LITO I RETIRVA (INF) PA successfully raided another enemy temporary encampment at vicinity Bgy Happy Valley, San Isidro, Northern Samar that led to the recovery of five high powered firearms (1- M14 and 4 - M16 rifles) and the killing of DTL Chito Esquillo a.k.a. ABAK/TOM, Vice CO of Rudante Urtal Command (RUC) and other four DT members.

During the heights of the conflict in Mindanao between the MILF, Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) and the AFP, the government has to send more troops to Southern Philippines where the Battalion was one of the contingents of 8ID.

On 12 May 2000, the unit received a Warning Order from Headquarters 8ID, PA to move to Southern Philippines within 48 hours. On 16 May same year, the Battalion moved by land transportation towards the embarkation area at Tacloban City port. The Battalion together with the 802nd Infantry Brigade and 52nd Infantry Battalion of 8ID, PA aboard LST 501, departed Tacloban City on 18 May 2000 and arrived at Iligan City the following day. The battalion consolidated its troops at National Steel Corporation, Iligan City.

Initially, the Battalion was given an AOR from Bacolod Kalawe down to Bgy Tumarompong, Pualas, Lanao del Sur with primary mission to secure the MSR. The advance party consisting of the Command Group of the Battalion headed by MAJ CINCO and the Command Group of 802 Brigade under COL NAGAMORA P LOMODAG (FA) PA, moved towards Pualas, Lanao del Sur and established its temporary CP co-located with 58IB, 4ID, PA. The main force of the Battalion arrived at Pualas, Lanao del Sur and immediately dispatched Alpha Company to Bgy Tumarompong, Pualas and established its temporary CP thereat. While Bravo Company established their temporary CP at Bacolod Kalawe and Charlie Company at Madalum, all of Lanao del Sur respectively.

With the 4th Infantry Division’s delineation of boundaries, the Battalion was ordered to move its troops towards the southern portion of Lake Lanao covering the municipalities of Binidayan, Bayang and Lumbatan to secure the MSR as its primary mission. With such order, the Battalion Hqs with HHSC established temporary CP at Pob Binidayan while Alpha Company established TCP at vicinity crossing of Lumbatan, Bravo Company at Bgy Palao, Bayang and Charlie Company at Bgy Timbangan, Binidayan, all of Lanao del Sur.

On 09 June 2000, the whole Battalion was tasked to consolidate at Poblacion Binidayan in preparation for the Brigade-wide combat operations. The Battalion was tasked as the Main Effort with a mission to conduct combat clearing operation over the municipality of Marogong. With this development, the vacated Battalion AOR was taken-over by the elements of Task Force Diamond II, 4ID, PA. The Brigade-wide operations commenced on 091450 June 2000 and the Battalion moved towards Marogong complex to clear given objectives where MILF satellite camps were situated. Fortunately the Battalion was able to clear the area with no untoward incident. After capturing all the objectives, the Battalion was ordered by 802nd Bde to proceed towards Poblacion Marogong to link-up with 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8ID, PA and 802nd Bde. The battalion arrived at the designated area on the 11th day of June 2000 and established temporary CP thereat. The next day (12 June), the Battalion was ordered to seize Camp Akir-akir, one of the satellite camps of the MILF based in Bgy Gandamatu, Marogong, Lanao del Sur. The Battalion tasked the Alpha and Bravo Companies to seize and destroy the camp and as a result several war materiels were recovered.

On 16 June 2000, the Battalion was ordered by the Bde to move to Bgy Bagumbayan, Marogong, Lanao del Sur (another MILF satellite camp) to conduct clearing operation and the Battalion cleared Bgy Bagumbayan with no untoward incident and was able to recover numerous war materiel, communication equipments and accessories. After four days of operation at said barangay, the Battalion returned to Poblacion Marogong.

On 21 June 2000, the Battalion together with the 802nd Bde left Marogong and moved towards Pualas, Lanao del Sur. With the instruction emanating from 4ID, the 802nd Bde and the Battalion was ordered to re-occupy the southern part of Lake Lanao, the stretch from Masiu up to Binidayan. Finally, the Battalion established its TCP inside Lanao Agricultural College (LAC) campus in Lumbatan while Alpha Company established TCP at Poblacion Binidayan, Bravo Company established TCP on the high ground overlooking the bridge connecting Lumbayanague-Lumbatan road and Charlie Company at Bgy Balaigay, Masiu, all of Lanao del Sur.

Pursuant to paragraph I, GO Nr 903, GHQ, AFP dated 16 August 2000, MAJ REX R CINCO (INF) PA was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel effective 1 April 2000.

During the stint in Lanao del Sur, the Battalion endowed with discipline and good performance once again proved its might over the secessionist group by gaining the popular support from the Muslim communities. The rapport established resulted to the neutralization of six MILF strugglers (body count), the recovery of eight high powered firearms (6 – M16 rifles, 1 – 40mm M203 GL, and 1 – Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launcher with 3 live RPG ammunition) and the surrender of one hundred forty one MILF fighters with one hundred twenty four assorted HPFAs (1 - Cal .30mm LMG, 1- Cal 7.62mm FAL JET, 1 - Cal .30mm BAR, 32 - Cal 5.56mm M16 rifles, 45 – Carbine rifles, 37 – M1 Garand rifles, 7 – M79 GL), fifteen assorted LPFAs (2 – Cal .45 pistols and 13 – .38 revolvers) and two hand grenades.

On 16 December 2000, the Battalion was pulled out from Lanao del Sur and moved to Caraga Region to relief-in-place 52IB with area of responsibility covering the 15 municipalities of Surigao del Sur; (Carrascal, Cantilan, Madrid, Carmen, Lanuza, Cortes, Tandag, San Miguel, Tago, Bayabas, Cagwait, Marihatag, San Agustin, Lianga and Barobo) and parts of Agusan del Sur; (San Francisco, Prosperidad, Bayugan and Sibagat).

After serving for almost a year in Mindanao particularly in Lanao del Sur and Surigao del Sur, the Battalion was pulled out effective 08 March 2001 and returned to Samar Island to beef up maneuvering units of 8ID with half of the Battalion strength together with its equipments and other impediments aboard LST 551 moved first and arrived Catbalogan wharf on 09 March 2001 and was tendered arrival honors and welcome ceremony by Hqs 8ID. During the activity, the Battalion received the Commanding General’s Streamer Award for the meritorious achievements earned during the Mindanao campaign.
The Battalion reassumed its previous AOR which covers the 1st Congressional District of Northern Samar (except municipality of Mondragon) and the whole City of Calbayog. After the relief-in-place with 28IB in Surigao del Sur, the second half of the battalion strength aboard C130 plane arrived Calbayog Airport on 19 March 2001. The Battalion Hqs was established in Bgy Salvacion, San Isidro, Northern Samar and emplaced the line companies to its previous AOR with Alpha Company at Bgy Tinaplacan, Tinambacan District, Calbayog City, Bravo Company at Bgy Acereda, Bobon and Charlie Company at Bgy Cervantes, Catarman, both of Northern Samar.

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